How To lose Weight🍎

All about weight loss

People ask “How can I lose weight faster? No diet seems to work and I can’t seem to stick to it”.

Well look no further Peak Potential has you covered 👍

But before we get into that please help share this with your friends and family we post well-thought-out emails that can help beginners and pros.

How To Stay On Track

We will talk about staying on track, being dedicated, and much more right here right now so if you are ready to dive into the world of motivation and dedication sit back and get ready.

☝️ First let’s talk about dedication and motivation. Both of these are super important in every aspect of dieting.

😀 Motivation is when something or someone gives you a reason for dieting it can be a friend that pushes you or how you don’t like how you’re body looks. All of these give you a drive to do it because you have a reason for it.

🏋️ Dedication is when you are committed to a task like dieting. Dedication takes a lot of work and sometimes you are dedicated to something because you spent so much time you feel as if it would be for nothing if you stopped.

🥇 So dedication and motivation are both very important when it comes to dieting. It takes a combination of both to stick to a diet.

How Long Should I Diet For?

This question depends on what you and your goals are. If you are just trying to lose a small amount of weight or you are trying to gain pounds of muscle dieting can look different for most people.

You should diet until you have your desired body sometimes it can take days, weeks, months, years, and even longer but whatever you are trying to achieve you should wait until you have accomplished it.


There are many ways to lose weight and today we will teach you how to do them effectively and correctly.

❌ Fasting is a great way to lose weight fasting involves not eating for an extended period but there are many drawbacks when it comes to fasting.

🍇 Eating smaller portions eating smaller portions of food is one of the most effective methods of weight loss because it forces your body to use up the extra fat reserves from your body to supply energy. You can drastically decrease your food intake or you can just limit yourself to fewer snacks.

⛹️‍♀️ Being active can be one of the most fun and energetic ways of losing weight. There are countless amounts of ways to stay active you can dance, run, walk, play soccer, play basketball, swim, bike, and so much more.

🥬 Eating healthier food can drastically lower fat levels because the nutrition in the food can help to make you feel fuller while giving you more nutritional value without having to eat as many fats and carbs.

Using Nutrition For Other Things

Some people don’t eat better or less because they want to be more in shape sometimes the food you eat can increase your productivity in other things like work or sports. Having a nutritious meal before work every day can help to stay focused and more energized and eating well before you go a long run or go to a soccer game can change your output for that activity. Eating nutritious food before running can keep you from throwing up or passing out.

Some athletes will start changing their diets months before going to a big race. Because they know how much your food can impact your output.

Quote of The Day

“Sometimes it’s not about how well you did, but how you got there.”

Shower thoughts

As a kid, my parents taught me to not believe everything I see on TV. Now, I have to teach them to not believe everything they see on Facebook.

Accidentally liking someone's post while snooping through their profile is the digital equivalent of stepping on a twig while sneaking through the forest.

Go to bed, you'll feel better in the morning" is the human version of "Did you turn it off and turn it back on again?"

If my calculator had a history, it would be more embarrassing than my browser history.