You have more than you think

Why do extra?

Why do extra?

All of us have more in us than we see.

We have more potential.

We have more reps.

We have more time.


All you have to do is push yourself.

Most of the time,

You don't feel good, it’s hard and boring.

The question is

are you willing to be uncomfortable now

to be comfortable later? (note* this can apply to other areas of your life as well)

Doing extra makes you a step ahead.

Sometimes it won’t show in the beginning.

But remember over time consistency builds and compounds

and in the long run, it will show.

Even those tiny things that don’t feel like they’re

helping at all.

Doing the most brings the most.

Everything we do is for a reason.

To make us a better overall person.


To live our dreams.

Everybody wants that though.

So how rare can it be to achieve it?


It’s not because it’s extremely hard or impossible.

It’s because of the lack of people willing to go that extra mile or do that extra task.

Doing extra is very beneficial in the long run and can help you improve in the long run.

It gives you a higher chance of achieving your goals.

Every day you do it,

whether you’re tired, hungry, or just don’t feel like it.

You have to keep pushing.

If you don’t try how will you ever know

what you're capable of.

It all starts with doing more.

Quote of the Day:

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."

Arnold H. Glasow

Shower Thoughts

  1. At some point, your parents put you down and never picked you up again.

  2. The money in your wallet may have been in someone's butt crack.

  3. If two mind readers read each other’s minds, whose mind are they reading?

  4. Do fish in water know they are wet?

  5. If poison expires, is it more poisonous or no longer poisonous?

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Stay fit, stay healthy, and keep reaching for your Peak Potential!

Warm regards,

The Peak Potential Team